Kamala Kempadoo
Kamala KempadooTrafficking And Prostitution Reconsidered

Trafficking And Prostitution Reconsidered

(41 votes)
Trafficking And Prostitution Reconsidered

New Perspectives On Migration, Sex Work, And Human Rights (Transnational Feminist Studies)

Trafficking and prostitution are widely believed to be synonymous, and to be leading international crimes.


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Prostitution between consenting adults (adults!) should've been decriminalized generations ago.
Working on my thesis on human trafficking, I have found this book very useful.
Under the guise of being against trafficking but wanting to 'de-sensationalize it' this book in the end argues that all laws against trafficking are in fact really 'racist' laws that are really designed to stop migrant labour and are themselves harming 'indigenous' and 'aboriginal' people. This is a wonderfully crafted scam, a typical scam that uses underlying principles and high language to promote or simply dis-regard the millions of women held in virtual slavery year after year in places as far flung as Bangkok, Prague and New York.
An interesting book at an interesting time, when the problem of human trafficking is finally beginning to get the international attention it deserves. Unfortunately, as the book points out, much of that attention is based upon a few overly simplistic assumptions.
Each essay is distinct in quality and topic, but together they create a necessary read for anyone interested in the topic of trafficking. Collectively, this definitely makes the case for decriminalizing prostitution with effective research and arguments.
