John Belton
John BeltonAmerican Cinema/American Culture

American Cinema/American Culture

American Cinema/American Culture

. Ideal for Introduction to American Cinema courses, American Film History courses, and Introductory Film Appreciation courses focused on American Film, this text offers aculturalexamination of the American movie-making industry, with particular attention paid to the economic and aesthetic institution of Hollywood.

About John Belton

American academic.


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This text gives details about the history and important transition of the film industry over the century, but it does shift around frequently going off on every tangent possible for a while and then coming back to the original topic that by the time it shifts back you were under the assumption it was completed. As a general read it is decent, but as a text where note taking is necessary the constant shift is annoying.
So, I expected this book to be a bit more fun. Unfortunately, the fun element is missing.
WAY too much emphasis on Freudianism.
For my film studies class.
