Joel Rosenberg
Joel RosenbergHour of the Octopus

Hour of the Octopus

(28 votes)
Hour of the Octopus

On the eve of a grand royal wedding, a nobleman is killed with a hunting arrow. The priceless tapestries of the bridal keep are stained with blood. And the fatal arrow bears the mark of the prime suspect--the bridegroom himself.

About Joel Rosenberg

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name. Note: This is a different person than the political/thriller author, Joel C. RosenbergJoel Rosenberg was the author of the bestselling Guardians of the Flame books as well as the D'Shai and Keepers of the Hidden Ways series. He made his home in Minneapolis, Minnesota..


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This is such a great little read. I don't mean little to be demeaning either.
As far as being a mystery novel, the murder doesn't take place until page 175 and is solved on page 235. The other 200 pages of the book are just setting and character development.
This sequel to D'Shai picks up soon after the end of the first book, but could certainly be read on its own -- indeed, if I remember correctly it doesn't even give away the solution to the first novel's mystery, although I suppose the fact that Kami is still alive and well is a hint that things resolve more or less in his favour. As in D'Shai, the strength of the novel lies in the world-building; Kami's social position has improved, and with it his access to the upper classes, so the reader sees a somewhat different slice of the world than in the first novel.
Detective story, Oriental setting. Well-narrated.
I am SAD that there are no more books in this series. I like it very much.
Excellent fantasy mystery mesh from Rosenberg.
