Jim simmerman
Jim SimmermanKingdom come

Kingdom come

(31 votes)
Kingdom come

This is a novelization of the graphic novel, Kingdom Come, by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. It is the early years of the Twenty-First Century.

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Great book... If you like superheros, you need to read this one.
While this wasn't a bad novel overall as a supplement to the graphic novel, I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to because of how atrociously Maggin writes the female characters. All the male heroes, Superman and Batman and Green Arrow, are generally presented with the kind of detail that I was hoping for in the novelization, fleshing out character points that the comics version didn't have time to get into.
The best novelization of a comic I've ever read, hands down. In fact, this is better than any novelization of a film I've ever read, either.
This is a great novelization of the Kingdom Come trade paperback. It fills in a lot of background information that would have interrupted the pace and flow of the comic.
[This review refers to the novelization of the graphic novel, written by Elliot Maggin]I honestly didn't expect this book to be very good.I loved the graphic novel when it came out.
I heartily recommend Elliot S. Maggin's novel Kingdom Come.
I am so impressed with the audio book version of Kingdom Come. I am a big fan of full cast audio productions (Radio Plays) so I was really looking forward to this.
I grew up reading comics and it always seemed they were timeless, that the heroes never got old or seriously hurt but this book tells the story of what happened to some of those great DC comic book heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Flash as time went by and the next generation of heroes to come. I enjoyed reading this book it was easy reading, had a lot of action, and bought me back to a time when comic book reading was part of life.
I really enjoyed reading this, but Maggin glossed over what I thought was one of the most, if not THE most, powerful moments of the comic series: when Superman catches Captain Marvel during their one-on-one and causes him to revert to Billy Batson. This scene was described with intensity in the comic, but in the novel, the strength of this act is not emphasized.
This is a very well done adaptation by Elliot S. Maggin of the amazing comic story, one that got me back into comics, briefly.
The book Kingdom Come was written by Elliot S. Maggin and the artwork was done by Alex Ross.
This is such a confusing book/review for me. Everything is here that should make me really like or love this book - great reviews and high rating, creative writing, bleakness, a focus on Superman and he's in his full power, interesting storyline - so what was the issue?
Listening to this one in audiobook was a really solid experience. I thought it was going to be just a fun audibook, and instead it was quite deeper than I thought it would be - the story simple enough, but the themes quite enthralling.
Terrific novelization of the now-classic comic book story. Longer review here: http://eyesandearsblog.
This is the novel/paperback version of the big graphic novel, which reads almost the same. I would definitely recommend you invest your money in the graphic novel--Alex Ross' work is truly larger than life--Amazing.
