True love

(19 votes)
True love

. In Jennifer Lopez’s first ever book, True Love, she explores one of her life’s most defining periods—the transformative two-year journey of how, as an artist and a mother, she confronted her greatest challenges, identified her biggest fears, and ultimately emerged a stronger person than she’s ever been. Guided by both intimate and electrifying photographs, True Love an honest and revealing personal diary with hard-won lessons and heartfelt recollections and an empowering story of self-reflection, rediscovery, and resilience.

About Jennifer Lopez

Librarian's note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this nameJennifer Lynn Lopez, popularly nicknamed J.Lo, is an American actress, singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, fashion designer, and television producer. She is the richest person of Latin American descent in Hollywood according to Forbes, and the most influential Hispanic entertainer in America according to People en Español's list of "100 Most Influential Hispanics".Starting in 1999, Lopez released seven albums, including two #1 albums on the Billboard 200 charts and four Billboard Hot 100 #1 singles. She won the 2003 American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist and the 2007 American Music Award for Favorite Latin Artist.


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Loved, Loved, Loved this book. Great read!.
I loved reading Jennifer's book. I could relate to it a lot.
Pleasant reading. Goes perfectly with her concert movie that was shown on HBO!
I disagree with "Amazon Customer" review that it's only for true fans. I read this purely out of curiosity and did find it helpful..
Great book, she's just great.
I am big fan of Jennifer Lopez,and I knew this book would not disappoint. I read it in one day!.
Must read!!!! Jennifer Lopez is really an admirable woman.
I got this book for my sister and she says that it inspired her to love herself more. I took a look at the book inside and it looks amazing with pictures and the fonts are perfect for reading.
While not a bad book, this book is really only for true Jennifer Lopez fans. Those of us who are once in a while viewers of her on TV, didn't get much out of this book.
Superficial, quite self-involved. I have always been a fan but found it difficult to "love" her as much after reading this book.
Order was received fast!.
A good book to know her life so inspirig.
Just okay - a bit disappointed. The book is 70% pictures and she describes the outfit & ambiance of her world tour more than anything.
Makes you see a different side to her and why she has had so many different marriages and divorces but still keeps her strength make you feel positive to keep pushing forward.
