J. Bottum
J. BottumFall & other poems

Fall & other poems

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fall & other poems

Bottum is a regular contributor to First Things, the magazine of the Institute on Religion and Public Life, in which many of the poems in this collection first appeared. If you detect a Christian sensibility in the book, you are only properly attentive. The title of the longest poem in it is a clue, of course: "The Fall," not "Fall," although it is about autumn in New England.


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J. Bottum, The Fall and Other Poems (St.
Most collections of poetry i find hard to be anything but ambivalent about, so i get real excited when i come across a great collection. i can even get excited about coming across a collection as bad as this one.
"The Fall & Other Poems" by J. Bottum is a well-crafted, wonderfully written book of poetry.
