Lettering in Crazy, Cool, Quirky Style (Klutz)

Lettering in Crazy, Cool, Quirky Style (Klutz)

(52 votes)
Lettering in Crazy, Cool, Quirky Style (Klutz)

Lettering in Crazy Cool Quirky Style is a tool kit for any kid who has ever wanted to make chunky block letters, blobby balloon letters, swirly, curly letters... whatever.


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This book would work well for anyone age 12 on up, especially if you were just beginning to explore the art of lettering. Especially useful for art journaling and making cards.
I purchased this book for a couple reasons. First, I like that it is spiral-bound.
Just got this book today! It's relly neat, if you like writting and drawing and coloring this book is for you.
