Horacio Castellanos Moya
Horacio Castellanos MoyaDance with snakes

Dance with snakes

Dance with snakes

As El Salvador returns to peace after more than a decade of civil war, Eduardo Sosa, an unemployed sociologist, becomes fascinated by a homeless man who lives in a beat-up yellow Chevrolet parked across the street from his sister’s apartment.

About Horacio Castellanos Moya

HORACIO CASTELLANOS MOYA is a writer and a journalist from El Salvador. For two decades he worked as editor of news agencies, magazines and newspapers in Mexico, Guatemala and his own country. As a fiction writer, he was granted residencies in a program supported by the Frankfurt International Book Fair (2004-2006) and in the City of Asylum program in Pittsburgh (2006-2008). He has also taught in the Writing Program at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2009, he was guest researcher at the University of Tokyo with a fellowship granted by the Japan Foundation.


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But what wouldn't be after Mr. Moya's amazing [[ASIN:0811217078 Senselessness]]?
I consider myself pretty well read, but Dance with Snakes is perhaps the wildest book I've picked up in a long time if not ever. Realism and sanity are thrown out the window for what is one part Tarantino-esque blood bath another part descent into madness.
Sex scene with snakes sickkkkk.
Moya's novel moves at a frenetic pace as we follow a stumbling, bumbling frenzy of journalists and cops in pursuit of a madman with deadly snakes as accomplices to his reign of terror in the city of San Salvador. 'Dance with Snakes' plays with the crime novel to deliver this biting satire that made me gasp, bellow and guffaw!.
Excellent novel. It's a bizarre, fantasy, magical realism piece about politics, snakes, and sexuality.
This instantly became one of my absolute favourite reads for the year to date; I just loved it! Don't be put off by the naked woman on the cover - incidentally, they're photographs from c.
Abartisiz, betimlemesiz, istedigini soyleyen ve bunu sertlikle yapan bir kitap "yilanlarla dans". bir guney amerika ulkesinde issiz bir sosyoloji mezunu, sari chevroletsinde yasayan bir adamin yerine gecer, chevroletde 4 disi yilanla birlikte cani ne isterse onu yapmaya baslar: yasak ask mektuplari, kalabalik meydanlar, bir caki ve bolca yilan sokmasi.
This slim novel is brutal but hilarious in tone, mixing extreme and graphic violence with absurd humor and a satiric take on various elements of society, including police, the military, politicians, the press, and the paranoia and mass hysteria of everyday people. It's like Tarantino crossed with Kafka.
Written earlier than both senselessness and she-devil in the mirror, dance with snakes (baile con serpientes) does not quite have the same bewitching, startling effect as the other two works. horacio castellanos moya, acclaimed salvadoran novelist, is a remarkably talented writer, but this, his second novel, is not as accomplished an effort as his later outings.
Contains of the best human/reptile sex scenes ever written.
