Henry Mayhew
Henry MayhewLondon Labour And The London Poor

London Labour And The London Poor

(59 votes)
London Labour And The London Poor

With an Introduction by Rosemary O'Day. London Labour and the London Poor is a masterpiece of personal inquiry and social observation. It is the classic account of life below the margins in the greatest Metropolis in the world and a compelling portrait of the habits, tastes, amusements, appearance, speech, humour, earnings and opinions of the labouring poor at the time of the Great Exhibition.

About Henry Mayhew

Henry Mayhew was an English social researcher, journalist, playwright and advocate of reform. He was one of the co-founders of the satirical and humorous magazine Punch in 1841. He is also known for his work as a social researcher, publishing an extensive series of newspaper articles in the Morning Chronicle that was later compiled into the book series London Labour and the London Poor (1851), a groundbreaking and influential survey of the city's poor..

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An old work that holds up -- Mayhew's a nonfiction Dickens historian. This seminal work really offers a glimpse into the past and paints how hard the poor had it back then.
