Graham Turner
Graham TurnerThe power of silence

The power of silence

(63 votes)
The power of silence

the riches that lie within

In the modern world, we are assaulted on all sides by noise; but silence can change your life and this book explains why and how.

About Graham Turner

Footballer and manager.


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It seems that a lot of junk being sold these days garners dozens, sometimes hundreds, of reviews on this site. It is a shame that a book of this quality has, to date, received only two reviews (mine being the third).
I was enticed into reading this book after listening to Graham Turner talk about it on Radio 4. He talked about his own experience as a young man in which he was asked by en evangelical Christian friend of his (with whom he was stationed in Singapore on national service in the 1950s - and did not appear to like very much) to try experiencing total silence for a short period.
