George Devine
George DevineFor sale by owner in California

For sale by owner in California

(12 votes)
For sale by owner in California

Sell your California home yourself -- and save big! Using a broker to sell your home can cost you up to six percent of the selling price -- in other words, if you sell your house for $400,000, you can lose up to $24,000.

About George Devine

Theatre manager, producer, director.


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However, I might not have known what to search on, if I hadn't purchased the book. Please use the internet to look up all the laws it discuses--and read the laws for yourself--important information is left out.
This book is really well organized and so much info. If you need the forms to sell your property everything is on the CD.
This NOLO book is intended for home owners in California who wish to sell their home on their own and would like a valuable resource to wade through the many variables in order to reach this goal.This book contains 13 chapters with a little over 200 pages.
Not all the answers are there but this book offers an excellent start on the road to selling one's house.
I used earlier versions of this book to save thousands of dollars by avoiding the need to hire a real estate agent. If you have ever held a garage sale or sold a car without hiring someone else to do it for you, why would you turn over 3% or 6% to a realtor to sell your house?
.... Then id definately suggest getting this guide- especially in CA's "unique" environment.
This a good reference book to help me understand the complicated process of selling house. I am not sure yet if I will plunge myself into the do-it-myself process to sell my house.
