Gary Indiana
Gary IndianaI can give you anything but love

I can give you anything but love

(13 votes)
I can give you anything but love

The long-awaited memoir from one of the most acclaimed radical writers in American literature.

About Gary Indiana

Gary Indiana is a critic and novelist. His most recent books include I Can Give You Anything But Love, a memoir, and Tiny Fish That Only Want To Kiss, a collection of short fiction. His writing has appeared in New York Magazine, The New York Times, Vice, the London Review of Books, and many other publications..


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Gary Indiana has written seven novels (including Rent Boy and Horse Crazy) and as many non-fiction works over the decades, but this is his first memoir. It ranges over his life in a free-wheeling, non-chronological manner and concentrates on two main periods: as a young man in late-1960s California, where he became entangled with Ferd, a porno film-maker and his home-away from home in Cuba, where he has lived on and off for 15 years.
