Gary Hart
Gary HartRestoration of the republic

Restoration of the republic

(21 votes)
Restoration of the republic

the Jeffersonian ideal in 21st-century America

Rarely does scholarship anticipate the most dramatic events of the moment. In this timely work Gary Hart does just that, arguing for the restoration of republican virtues and for homeland security as an important first step.

About Gary Hart

There is more than one author with this nameGary Hart represented the state of Colorado in the U.S. Senate from 1975 until 1987. He is the Wirth Chair professor at the University of Colorado, chairs both the Council for a Livable World and the American Security Project, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he was cochair of the U.S.


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This reads like somones dissertation that got by because he had a past "position". Assuming Hart's opinions are worth reading here they are - not anything worthwhile about Jefferson in the entire book.
This book appeared to be fashionable because it was authored by the name, Gary Hart. Having read just about everything on Thomas Jefferson, I rushed out to get this one.
This book appeared to be fashionable because it was authored by the name, Gary Hart. Having read just about everything on Thomas Jefferson, I rushed out to get this one.
In his new book, Restoration of the Republic: The Jeffersonian Ideal in the 21st Century (Oxford University Press, 2002) former U.S.
In this book Gary Hart looks at the problems facing America, asking if the corruption in our government may mean we no longer are a true Republic, and offers solutions. Originally a book that was to focus on placing greater control in the hands of 'ward republics' or divisions created below the county level, it mentions some issues concerning the militia and defending America.
