Elvira Lindo
Elvira LindoManolito Kardesiyle Kaliyor

Manolito Kardesiyle Kaliyor

(2 votes)
Manolito Kardesiyle Kaliyor

''Dedemin hastaneye yatacağı gün annem onun bavulunu hazırlamaya başladığında boğazıma bir yumru tıkandı sanki.'' Manolito''nun dedesi sonunda hastaneye yatıyor. Ağır bir ameliyat geçiriyor.

About Elvira Lindo

Elvira Lindo is a Spanish journalist and writer.At the age of 12 Lindo moved to Madrid, where she studied journalism. She did not get her degree, as she began to work in television and radio as a speaker, actress and scriptwriter. Her first novel was based on one of her fictional radio characters, the madrileño boy Manolito Gafotas, who has become a classic of Spanish children's literature. Manolito is the son of a trucker and lives a humble life in the working-class quarter of Carabanchel.


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