Dustin Nguyen
Dustin NguyenBatman - Mientras Vuela El Cuervo

Batman - Mientras Vuela El Cuervo

(35 votes)
Batman - Mientras Vuela El Cuervo

ALGO MORTAL HA ARRIBADO A GOTHAM.El bajo mundo de Gotham se conmociona cuando varios de sus jefes son poseìdos por un frenesì criminal. ¿Es sólo una coincidencia o parte de un elaborado y siniestro plan?

About Dustin Nguyen

Dustin Nguyen is a comic book writer/artist who has worked for DC Comics and WildStorm since 2000. He has since worked on such titles as Jet with Dan Abnett, Wildcats v3.0 with Joe Casey, Batman with Judd Winick, Manifest Eternity with Scott Lobdell, and the latest revamp of The Authority, The Authority: Revolution, with Ed Brubaker. He was the artist on a six-issue arc of Superman/Batman entitled "Torment", with writer Alan Burnett.With issue #840, Nguyen became the regular ongoing artist with writer Paul Dini on one of DC's flagship titles, Detective Comics until issue #852.


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