Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiMagical Use Of Thought Forms

Magical Use Of Thought Forms

(10 votes)
Magical Use Of Thought Forms

A Proven System of Mental & Spiritual Empowerment

About Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

British occult author and psychic.


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I don't know what to think of it. I'm always into things of this nature, but the writing always seems to mutate into some weird s***.
It is for the hard core magican who is willing to spent months learning a certain ritual and is willing to endanger hisself for most of the rituals say if done wrong may be dangerous, no thanks.
Not enough information to actually practice it, but a mostly accurate preparation. I highly recommend her pathworking books though, like inner landscapes and her one on hebrew letters illuminations.
After reading most of Uncle Chuckie's work, I am delighted to find where he got some of his stuff from. Not a beginners book, but a great reference including one of the best examples of "How we create our own Reality" I've ever read!
As the title says-After reading some of the 1 star reviews I felt that I wanted to share my experience with this book.I don't recall whether I purchased this book from Amazon or not, so my review is focused solely on the content of the book.
I like the style and information presented in this book. The authors are from the same generation in which I started magick so I can relate to the ancedotes and examples.
I loved this book, confirms experiences I have had. Really want to learn the SOL system.
If you been on the sacred path many of the concepts here will just be another puzzle piece to the bigger picture.I have to mention I have a background in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), hypnotheray and Hawaiian Huna (spiritual teachings of empowerment).
A very interesting and easy to read book on developing mental skills and methods of creating thought forms. I really loved this book, the material is easy to grasp and the exercises, simple and effective.
First of all, let me say that I am a big lover of quantum physics books as well as anything on meditation as well as new brain wave technologies. Lest the reader of my review take me to be closed minded or a simpleton.
What I most like about this book is its dual authorship and its well structured format. I first read this book in 2002 and have dipped into it many times since, each time finding something new (which is always a good sign).
If you've ever practiced magick and felt that there was maybe some minor detail missing from the experience, something more you could do to make it more effective, some secret that's been kept from you but you knew was just under your nose, this is the book for you!!! The exercises and ideas in this book will help you to realize your full potential!
I don't know what the other reviewers are complaining about, there are numerous texts on magic in print and many of them are for the more adept student (why not try Julius Evola's work), but I found this to be one book I recomment most highly to beginners. It covers the most important aspects of what is fundamental to all magical workings: concentration and visualization exercises.
I have no idea what these authors are trying to put across. They do spend a lot of time trying to put a scientific explanation to what an imagination is and giving the reader thier "occult expertise".
Truly magical. This book comes under the heading of "I wish I had read this years ago".
