Dan Fernandez
Dan FernandezCoding4Fun


(19 votes)

10 .NET programming projects for Wiimote, World of Warcraft, YouTube, and more

. How would you like to build an Xbox game, use your Nintendo Wiimote to create an electronic whiteboard, or build your own peer-to-peer application? Coding4Fun helps you tackle some cool software and hardware projects using a range of languages and free Microsoft software.

About Dan Fernandez

American businessman.


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I Liked a lot the WiiMote configuration for controlling the car. Is very interesting the approach for the other utilities and I think is necessary to learn to implement this type of applications.
I have been an avid fan of the DotNetRocks podcast since the beginning and when Brian Peek and Dan Fernandez went on the show [...] to talk about their Coding4Fun book, I felt their enthusiasm and decided to get the book.
Well written, but not for the newbie. These projects assume you have some previous coding knowledge, which is great for those of us that do.
Coding 4 Fun is one of these strange books that's not really a tutorial on a specific topic like most IT books are but it shows you some of the things you can actually accomplish with relatively little work. Hopefully the ideas and solutions presented in the book will give you ideas on how to enhance or further use either the technologies that it covers in the book or go out and research your ideas for integrating new technologies.
This book is an excellent compilation of numerous great topics, two of which are my favorites regarding using the Wii controller with the .NET Library (written by Brian Peek, one of the authors).
Remember back when you programmed for fun rather than for profit? That is what this book is all about.
Love the projects, they are great for learning and impressing everyone around you. I have had a lot of fun implementing them.
Mr. Fernandez and Mr.
