Christiane F.
Christiane F.Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

(29 votes)
Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

Sie ist heute sechzehn, kam mit zwölf in einem evangelischen Jugendheim zum Haschisch, mit dreizehn in einer Diskothek zum Heroin.

About Christiane F.

DE: Vera Christiane Felscherinow wurde als jugendliche Drogenabhängige zu einer Symbolfigur für die Verbreitung des Drogenmissbrauchs in Deutschland und der damit verbundenen Probleme in der deutschen Gesellschaft. Bekannt wurde sie in der Öffentlichkeit gegen Ende der 1970er-Jahre durch eine Reportage und ein begleitendes Buch der Zeitschrift Stern unter der abgekürzten Namensform „Christiane F.“ Sie hatte eine Karriere als Sängerin unter dem Namen Sentimentale Jugend.EN: Christiane F. (born Vera Christiane Felscherinow) is a former heroin addict famous for her autobiographical book Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo which describes her struggle with drug addiction during her teens.


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An ugly, disgusting, horrible book. Real and unvarnished, probably the most powewrful anti-drug message ever.
Excellent book. Honest autobiography of a German girl from a torn family, who eventually becomes a heroin addict.
Jarkyttava kirja, kamalaa luettavaa. Miten jo 13-vuotiaana voi olla heroiinin orja?
No matter how painful it was to go with the author through what she had experienced in her early years, it surely was a worthwhile reading experience. It etched itself firmly into my memory from my very first encounter with the novel.
I found the story and the narrator very engaging and it seemed a relatively accurate depiction of what addiction is like. I didn't find the ending very satisfying because they never address how she ends up taking part in a major drug trial and then telling her story to these two journalists for six months.
Well just read it!.
Great insight into the Berlin drugsscene in the seventies?? (not sure when this book took place).
This is one of those books that are incredibly difficult to rate. Because how do you rate a true story that sounds so unbelievable you wouldn't buy it if it were fiction?
I've read this book in my teenage years and I was shocked and miserable. Now, many years later I still feel bad about all the junkie kids who has died.
Il y a plusieurs raisons qui font de la biographie de Christiane mon livre prefere, principalement parce que c'est ma copine d'autrefois (mon premier amour) qui me l'a suggere, donc vous imaginez la valeur sentimentale qu'a ce livre pour moi! J'avais 15 ou 16 ans quand je l'ai lu et ca m'a beaucoup influence, au fait, le livre est cense etre une lecon de morale et une maniere de montrer aux gens a quel point la drogue est nuisible a l'etre humain etc, mais pour moi c'etait le contraire, la vie tourmentee de Christiane me fascinait et sa relation d'aneantissement mutuel avec Detlev (son copain)me tentait..
The book was well written, not boring, and it gave me the insight to the wold of addicts. I was really mad at the characters.
I loved this book. I read 2 American version Christiane F and also Zoo Station.
3.5 Really powerful book.
I read this one in french, my mother tongue, and the first thing that hit me was the language level... You clearly realize it's a testimony of a 13yo..
Such a greater and more broad story than the movie!.
