Charles Foster
Charles FosterWired for God?

Wired for God?

(27 votes)
Wired for God?

The Biology of Spiritual Experience

. Human religious experiences are remarkably uniform; many can be pharmacologically induced. Recent research into the neurology of religious experience has shown that, when worshipping or praying, a certain part of the brain, apparently dormant during other activities, becomes active.

About Charles Foster

Charles Foster is a Fellow of Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford. He is a qualified veterinarian, teaches medical law and ethics, and is a practicing barrister. Much of his life has been spent on expeditions: he has run a 150-mile race in the Sahara, skied to the North Pole, and suffered injuries in many desolate and beautiful landscapes. He has written on travel, evolutionary biology, natural history, anthropology, and philosophy..


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I was blown away by this latest outpouring from the pen of the polymathic Foster. How he manages to combine scholarship and readability is beyond me, but he succeeds marvellously in a crowded market.
This masterly work forms an exciting sequel to [[ASIN:0849946549 The Selfless Gene: Living with God and Darwin]]. This time the veterinary barrister and archaeologist Charles Foster tackles the fascinatingly rich and baffling field of mystical experience in attempt to make sense of the kaleidoscope on offer and to distinguish the false from the bogus.
