CarmindyThe 5-Minute Face

The 5-Minute Face

(53 votes)
The 5-Minute Face

The Quick & Easy Makeup Guide for Every Woman

Carmindy, the makeup artist on TLC's popular show What Not to Wear, believes that the secret to a great look is to enhance your best natural features with sheer washes of color, not to hide under layers of artificial-looking makeup.

About Carmindy

Every week, millions of viewers count on Carmindy to teach them about the latest makeup tips and tricks on TLC's hit show What Not to Wear.Since her Southern California childhood, Carmindy has dreamed of traveling the world doing makeup and meeting inspiring people. Through hard work and an unstoppable attitude, she's made that dream a reality. She's painted faces in the studios of Paris, on the beaches of Brazil, and on the streets of Havana. She's lived in Los Angeles, Milan, Miami, and now makes her home with her husband, Javier, in New York, where she has established herself as a top fashion makeup artist.


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Great book for novices.
You can find a this stuff online. Some versions mentioned that this book included a dvd and online codes.
Recommendations are good but too generic.
I'm an adult, but never really tried too much with makeup. It's always confused me.
I love this book. I bought it for my teenage daughters because naturally they don't want to take makeup tips from Mom.
Carmindy achieves such fabulous results on her TV subjects that it's nice to have the blue-prints on paper. BUT, and this is a big BUT, don't expect to be catered for if you're over your 50's!
As a 31-year old woman who has had a decade and a half experience with makeup, I did not find this book very helpful. Lots of basic, common sense information here.
I have never used makeup in my life, had no interest in it but after I started watching what not to wear I started thing I could enhance the parts of my face I like. I like her methods on the show so i got the book and it has been great.
Now, if I could look like Carmindy my life would be perfect. I need someone to put the makeup on me.
Carmindy is GREAT!! She gives great tips and advice.
This book is beautifully photographed and well organized. It not only has wonderful tips but gives you both high end and low end product suggestions.
I though Carmindy's makeup tips were great. She gave specific techniques for different ages and complections.
I am a mom of two under 5 that has been trying to figure out how to get myself out of my mom rut. I'm 40, with red hair and light eyes and eyelashes.
Pros: Really good guide that covers different ages, skin colors and styles with good tips.Cons: None really.
