Carla Kelly
Carla KellyUnlikely Spy Catchers

Unlikely Spy Catchers

Unlikely Spy Catchers

About Carla Kelly

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.Although Carla Kelly is well known among her readers as a writer of Regency romance, her main interest (and first writing success) is Western American fiction—more specifically, writing about America's Indian Wars. Although she had sold some of her work before, it was not until Carla began work in the National Park Service as a ranger/historian at Fort Laramie National Historic Site did she get serious about her writing career. (Or as she would be the first to admit, as serious as it gets.)Carla wrote a series of what she now refers to as the "Fort Laramie stories," which are tales of the men, women and children of the Indian Wars era in Western history.


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