Brian F. Keane
Brian F. KeaneGreen is good

Green is good

(7 votes)
Green is good

save money, make money, and help your community profit from clean energy

Renewable energy is good for your wallet. Those who see that opportunity are already seizing it … all the way to the bank.

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This is an extremely well written book and right on the mark. The author is well versed in this subjuct and puts it all in plain terms.
This book is kick ass. Period.
Brian Keane's new book, "Green is Good" is small in size, but packs a lot of detailed information, insightful stories, scientific research, and wonderful suggestions to help the readers understand and incorporate "green" into their own life. From the everyday simple things around the house to the big picture, this small book has lots of big ideas to encourage green behavior in modern America.
