Brandon Downing
Brandon DowningThe shirt weapon

The shirt weapon

(13 votes)
The shirt weapon

Poetry. As lush as Rossetti, as energetic as O'Hara, as intense as Mayakofsky, Brandon Downing writes with masterful abandon.


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Brandon Downing's "The Shirt Weapon" is a necessary kick in the pants for the "poetry world". To hell with Yale Youngers and Whitmans, this book is good and it doesn't even have a Blurb on the back.
That poems like "Soren Kierkegaard," "Naval Untitled," "4 Quotes," and nearly anything from the book's last section, "Lofty," aren't wheatpasted across billboards and sung in unison at stadiums before ballgames is a national shame and symptom of cultural decline. Or how's this?
