Sold out

(19 votes)
Sold out

becoming man enough to make a difference

From Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney, "Sold Out" is a roadmap describing how to live a disciplined life with eternal values in mind. By tapping into God's transforming power, men can become man enough to make a difference in this world.

About Bill McCartney

American football player, coach.


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What a man! He had everything anyboudy could ever want, and left it to follow the call of Jesus.
Bill McCartney can only be considered a Christian soldier by anyone's analysis. To learn that a man like him suffers from the same sins and temptations as you is enlightening and empowering.
Excellent book, wherein the content truly feels "God-breathed". The content of the first half about his life history and that of his family's to this point is well written and necessary.
Bill McCartney writes of his struggle to balance family with his ferver for God and career. It is a struggle that many Christian men face.
This was a gift of love. Pick it up today.
