Bill Congreve
Bill CongreveYear's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy 4

Year's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy 4

(12 votes)
Year's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy 4

• Glory by Greg Egan• An Account of an Experiment Conducted by Fra. Salimbene, a Thirteenth-Century Italian Franciscan. Englished from the Latin by...

About Bill Congreve

Australian writer.


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I had read all three of the previous volumes of The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Like the previous volumes, volume 4 is an uneven collection with some good stories and some just so so.
A fine anthology of short stories, all solid- some standouts. A longer review is available on my blog: https://uncertaintales.
A good collection of Australian speculative fiction, and the first MirrorDanse volume that I've read. The quality of the stories were uneven (though none of them bad), the highlight for me being Garth Nix's 'Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Go to War Again".
