Barry Sanders
Barry SandersGreen Zone

Green Zone

(61 votes)
Green Zone

Environmentalism is the issue of the moment. Reusable shopping bags, hybrid cars and green energy solutions are all espoused as ways to reduce carbon footprints, but these are only the tip of the quickly melting iceberg. Sanders and Davis present a sobering revelation - until US military attacks are held accountable for the war they have waged on the environment, domestic changes made in good faith won't do a thing.

About Barry Sanders

American academic, author.


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A truly remarkable and deeply disturbing essay.
Timely, invaluable information.
The words are sharp and effective. It'a a concise novella-size essay that makes many points about the U.
"[[ASIN:1904859941 The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism]]" can be a tough read, if only because the book is a relentless criticism of the extreme environmental damage caused by the military-industrial complex. That's not to say that the book shouldn't be read because it should: the environmental side isn't something we consider very often when thinking about the military.
War is hell - on the planet as well as the people involved. "The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism" is a criticism of the huge environmental costs of warfare, presenting the facts that the world's militaries, the United States' most powerful one in particular, are causing more environmental damage than countless other sources combined.
In this short, accessible book, Barry Sanders exposes the ecological consequences of US militarism and argues that all the individual things we do to preserve the environment like eating organic food, choosing low-energy light bulbs, and riding our bikes instead of driving will accomplish very little unless we eliminate the military industrial complex, the single-greatest contributor to the global ecological crisis. Illustrated with powerful artwork created by students from the Pacific Northwest College of Art and very well-researched, this is an extremely important manifesto for anti-war and environmental activists alike.
This is definitely one of those highly depressing, but very eye-opening books that both excite me to read and also make me feel like our world is completely screwed. This book basically lays it all out there - the US military pollutes in absurdly high amounts, and no number of compact fluorescent bulbs installed by environmentally conscious citizens is going to do anything to help our environment if the US keeps on destroying other nations like it's been doing so well for the past few hundred years.
