Barry Michaels
Barry MichaelsNew novenas to new saints

New novenas to new saints

(3 votes)
New novenas to new saints

From among the many saints and blesseds whom Pope John Paul II canonized and beatified, Barry Michaels presents us with those who have special meaning for us today: Mother Teresa, Padre Pio, Juan Diego, Marguerite D'Youville, and many others.

About Barry Michaels

American radio personality.


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Novenas are a favorite type of prayer of mine; I also enjoy reading about the Saints. When I saw this book which is devoted to novenas of relatively recently canonized Saints, I wanted it as part of my prayer library.
Barry Michaels has given us a doable way to get in touch with many modern saints, while giving us a window on the life of each one selected. I find myself using it often and would recommend it highly as a modern devotional.
Barry Michaels has put together a handbook of beautifully written prayers to a number of recently canonized saints. Novenas and other popular devotions are often associated with what some might refer to as "pre-Vatican II" saints, but Michaels has undertaken to apply similar devotions to those who have been canonized more recently, such as St.
