Ashley Alexander Mallett
Ashley Alexander MallettThommo speaks out

Thommo speaks out

(4 votes)
Thommo speaks out

the authorised biography of Jeff Thomson

. Jeff Thomson talks about his life before, during and after he played Test cricket for Australia.'I'd just lope in and go whang.


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For once a lot of ex cricketers contributed to this book (one of Mallett's strengths obviously is his access as an ex test player) but for me I was hoping for a bit more insight from the batsmen as to what it was like facing Thomson at his best, there is some of course but only soundbites. I also hoped to learn much more around that key period of Aussie cricket 1974-1980 but as with all books of Aussie players around this period no-one really says much, I know Thomson didn't sign for WSC initially but he would have known all the ins and outs but nothing is presented here.
Could've been a much better read if Thommo actually DID speak out...what you get is a sanitised version of events from what was no doubt an interesting career...
