Female Nudes

Female Nudes

(23 votes)
Female Nudes

Alina Reyes, has penned a whole series of erotic bestsellers following her early success with "The Butcher" Ultra-talented photographer, Bernard Matussiere has achieved great success from his work on the first Aubade publicity campaign to his stunning photo essays of Cuba.

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This book indeed disappointed me a little bit. First, it is quite restricted with respect to the variety of shots.
I really was hoping for more from this title. The photos are standard file photos and nothing special to me, seen better studio work.
Stark black and white photos, and, on average, not very attractive models. The defects in the skin were too visible.
Alicia Reyes provides a commentary to Bernard Matussière's monumental photography. And, as model, she provides many of the photos as well.
