Adrianne Ahern
Adrianne AhernBack in charge

Back in charge

(3 votes)
Back in charge

A guide to harnessing the magic of your brain to create the life you'll love


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This is by far one of the best self-help books I've read for understanding how the brain works to keep us in familiar and repetitive loops of thinking habits--and for changing those patterns. It is written with such straight-forward clarity and relevant examples of how the brain operates from "conditioning" that it is a quick and easy read, although I suggest you take you time and to really absorb the powerful message and change tools being offered.
This is such an awe-inspiring book, it has helped me change my outlook on the way I see things. This book has become my "Bible".
As a psychotherapist, I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Ahern's book.
LOVED it!!!!! It's so interesting and thought-provoking.
I purchased Dr.Ahern's book after watching a "Pledge Program" she did for PBS.
